
Brooke was a patient for 7 days in BryLin Hospital back in 2014 and she shared her inspirational story of recovery during a Facebook Live event last year with the Anti-Stigma Coalition of Erie County.

“During my high school years, I was hospitalized at BryLin Hospital for complications due to an over-prescription by my physician. I was uncertain if I could finish high school successfully let alone go to college. Over time, with the help of professionals and counselors, I completed high school and left with college scholarships under my belt.”

At that time Brooke struggled with anxiety and depression for some time before Anita, Brooke’s mom, made the call to BryLin Hospital to seek help for her daughter.

Flash forward, Brooke is doing excellent today. Now a Graduate of the Niagara Falls Culinary Institute in Pastry Arts, Brooke helps run the family business. She continues to see Dr. Chris Martin (Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist at BryLin Hospital) and credits BryLin’s compassionate and caring staff for her recovery, “BryLin saved my life.”

Here is Anita & Brooke’s story…

Why we support Mental Health:

We have been personally touched by mental health issues, and have experienced the stigma attached.

Whether you live with a mental illness, or are a family member or friend……each person comes with their own story and path.

It is important to let others know that there is hope and understanding. This will change the way the world sees mental health.

You will see the mental health matters ribbon on the sides of our truck. It serves as a reminder of how blessed we are today, the journey we took to get here, and our commitment to help others.

We will offer special items with green ribbons. When these items are purchased, a portion will go towards local mental health organizations. 

We believe it is important to give back, pay it forward ….and break the stigma.

In 2018, Anita reached out to BryLin because the family wanted give back to BryLin.  “I am so thankful for the awesome work you do for children and their families (at BryLin Hospital)”, said Anita. Since that initial conversation, they have supported BryLin with a donation of their delicious parfaits and green ribbon mental health awareness cookies from their Sweet Indulgence Bakery . Each year these are given to employees as a way to so thank you during our celebration of Hospital Week in May.

Brooke and Anita continue to share their story with others to help eliminate stigma around mental illness, raise awareness, and encourage others to reach out for help and treatment.

We are so proud to play a part in Brooke’s recovery!

Thank you Brooke, Anita and Joel for you continued kindness, generosity, and support!


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