Sad woman


Sad woman

Some young people who are thinking about suicide let people close to them know that they are in pain and are open about needing help. Others hide their feelings from family and friends. If you are wondering if your child is suicidal, experts say that asking them is the best way to find out.

Parents sometimes worry that asking about suicide may make it more likely, but that actually isn’t the case, and asking is very important. For children who have a hard time admitting they need help, it sends the message that a parent cares very much about them, and that struggling and asking for help is okay. That conversation can be lifesaving.

While asking is the best way to find out, there are also some warning signs to watch out for if you are worried about suicide, including the following:

  • Isolation from friends and family
  • Problems eating or sleeping
  • Mood swings
  • Reckless behavior
  • Dropping grades
  • Increased use of alcohol or drugs
  • Giving away belongings
  • Talking about feeling hopeless or trapped
  • Talking about being a burden to others or not belonging
  • Talking about suicide or wanting to die
  • Writing or drawing about suicide, or acting it out in play

There are also some risk factors that may make some people more vulnerable to suicide, like a family history of suicide, bullying and access to things like firearms and pills. Struggling with a mental health disorder or alcohol and substance abuse can also be factors.

If your child has any of the warning signs above, ask if they are thinking about suicide. If you are worried that they may attempt suicide, call for help.

Seek immediate assistance if you think you are in danger of harming yourself. You can call Crisis Services of Erie County at 716-834-3131 (or TEXT at 716-300-2338) or call the National Suicide Prevention Line at 1-800-273-8255.

BryLin Hospital accepts voluntary individuals seeking help. You must call the admissions department at (716) 886-8200 to speak with a mental health professional who can assist you. It’s important to remember that suicidal thoughts should always be taken seriously. Seek help immediately.



BryLin Behavioral Health System Child & Adolescent Programming: depression

Inpatient Mental Health Care for Children and Adolescents

With HELP , There’s HOPE


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