Children's Mental Health is Important


Children's Mental Health is ImportantChildren’s mental health is always important, regardless of the season. However, as we approach summer, there are several reasons why it becomes even more crucial to prioritize children’s mental well-being at this time of year:

  1. Transition and Change: Summer often brings a significant change in routine for children, such as the end of the school year and the start of vacations or summer camps. Transitions can be challenging for some children, and they may experience anxiety or difficulty adapting to new schedules or environments. Supporting their mental health during this time can help them navigate these changes more smoothly.
  2. Increased Free Time: With the break from school, children typically have more free time during the summer. While this can be enjoyable, excessive unstructured time can sometimes lead to boredom, social isolation, or lack of stimulation. It is important to ensure that children have engaging activities and opportunities for social interaction to maintain their mental well-being.
  3. Pressure and Expectations: Some children may face increased pressure or expectations during the summer, such as participating in academic programs, sports activities, or achieving specific goals. While these pursuits can be valuable, they can also contribute to stress and anxiety. It is important to strike a balance and prioritize children’s mental health by fostering a supportive and nurturing environment.
  4. Seasonal Affective Disorder: Although commonly associated with the winter months, some children may experience symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) during the summer. SAD can manifest as low mood, irritability, or changes in sleep and appetite. Identifying and addressing these symptoms is crucial for maintaining children’s mental well-being.
  5. Outdoor Time and Physical Activity: Summer provides an excellent opportunity for children to spend more time outdoors, engage in physical activity, and enjoy nature. Research suggests that outdoor activities and exercise have positive effects on mental health, including reducing stress, improving mood, and enhancing cognitive function. Encouraging children to stay active and connect with nature can contribute to their overall well-being.

Creating a supportive environment, providing engaging activities, and fostering open communication can greatly benefit children’s mental well-being during this time. It’s also an important time to monitor your children for any signs of depression and/or anxiety. Here are some potential signs to be aware of:

  1. Persistent Sadness or Irritability: Notice if your child seems consistently sad, irritable, or easily frustrated. They may display a low mood that lasts for an extended period.girl mind wandering
  2. Changes in Sleep Patterns: Pay attention to significant changes in your child’s sleep patterns. This can include difficulties falling asleep, frequent nightmares, or excessive sleepiness.
  3. Changes in Appetite: Watch for changes in your child’s appetite or weight. They may experience a significant decrease or increase in appetite that persists over time.
  4. Social Withdrawal: Note if your child starts to withdraw from social activities they previously enjoyed or shows a lack of interest in spending time with friends or family.
  5. Loss of Interest: Look for a loss of interest or pleasure in activities or hobbies that previously brought your child joy. They may exhibit a lack of motivation or enthusiasm.
  6. Decreased Energy and Fatigue: Observe if your child appears consistently tired, lacks energy, or seems to have a significant decrease in their usual activity level.
  7. Difficulty Concentrating: Notice if your child has difficulty focusing or experiencing a decline in their academic performance. They may struggle to concentrate or remember information.
  8. Physical Symptoms: Be aware of unexplained physical complaints such as headaches, stomachaches, or other physical discomforts that don’t have a clear medical cause.
  9. Self-Critical or Negative Thoughts: Pay attention to any significant changes in your child’s thought patterns. They may express feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or have an overly negative view of themselves.

If you notice persistent or concerning signs in your child, it is recommended to seek guidance from a qualified mental health professional. They can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate interventions or treatments. Remember, every child is unique, and professional assessment is crucial for accurate support.

At BryLin Hospital, specialized programming is available for children 5-17 years of age designed to address their unique needs. By focusing on crisis intervention and supporting mental wellness, our Child and Adolescent Program aims to help children and their families navigate challenging periods and build resilience. During hospitalization, children receive therapeutic interventions tailored to their specific mental health concerns which may include individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, medication management, psychoeducation, and structured activities designed to promote coping skills and emotional regulation. Following hospitalization, a discharge plan is developed in collaboration with the child, their family, and their treatment team to ensure a smooth transition back to the community. This plan typically includes recommendations for continued care, such as outpatient therapy, medication management, or additional support services.

If your child or adolescent is struggling with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or thoughts of self-harm…. you’re not alone. Many children have similar feelings or experiences at some point in their lives. When such experiences become severe, it’s important to reach out for help and treatment.

If you have questions or concerns regarding your child’s mental health, call today to see if BryLin Hospital might be an appropriate treatment option. Call 716-886-8200 ext. 2264 to speak with a mental health professional who can help or visit for more information. BryLin has been making a difference in the lives of others for nearly 70 years. Let our experience be your guide to wellness and recovery. With HELP, There’s HOPE℠

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